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This is where we will collect examples of how creative methods can be used to address gendered and sexual abuses of power in peer-relations with children.


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COSY- Conversation with Symbols & DECO- Deepening Conversation

Pactices are based on visual boards and cards, which are made to  support children and young people to communicate their experiences.



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- Kaveruuden ohjekirja

This material is available
only in Finnish.




Research publications

Forthcoming / 2024


ickey-Moody, A., and Pihkala, S. (forthcoming 2024) CRiMPing methodologies. In A. Hickey-Moody, G. Coombs, M. Willcox & S. Pihkala (Eds.), New Materialist Affirmations: Creative Research Interventions in Methods and Practice. Edinburgh University Press. 


Pihkala, S., Huuki, T., Puutio, E. & Louhela, H. (forthcoming 2024). Friendship Workshops – Feminist Arts-based Intra-activist Methodology with Children and Young People. In A. Hickey-Moody, G. Coombs, M. Willcox & S. Pihkala (Eds.), New Materialist Affirmations: Creative Research Interventions in Methods and Practice. Edinburgh University Press. 


Pihkala, S. & Karasti, H. (in press, 2024) Mapping careful engagement: From reflexivity to response-able engagement. In Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions edited by Lydahl, D. and Mossefeldt Nickelsen, N.C. Springer. 


Taylor, C.A., Albin-Clark, J., Broadhurst Healey, K., Hogarth, H., Lewis, Z., Pihkala, S., Smith, S.L., Cranham, J. and Latto, L. (in press, 2023) What do doors do? Door storyings, matterings, adventurings and commonings. Qualitative Inquiry. 




Lehtonen, J., Puutio, E., Pihkala, S. & Huuki, T. (2023). Navigating with Pre-teen Children for Sexuality Education. Sex Education. 


Huuki, T. &Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2023) Indigenous cosmologies and black onto-epistemologies in gender and education, Gender and Education, 35:2, 119-128, 


Pihkala, S. & Huuki, T. (2023). Duct-taped X: Gender and the ‘ethically enabling constraints’ of creative-activism on sexual harassment in pre-teen peer cultures. Journal of Gender Studies. 26:4, 363-375.  


Puutio, E., Pihkala, S., Lehtonen, J., & Huuki, T. (2023). School, Online Communities and Creative Workshops as Spaces for Non-normative Pre-teen Gendered and Sexual Cultures. YOUNG. Pre-print. 


Pihkala, S. & Huuki, T. (2023) Safe and Enabling – Composing Ethically Sustainable Crafty-Activist Research on Gender and Power in Young Peer Cultures. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 26:4, 363-375. 


Durall, E., Iivari, N., Heikkinen, M., Pihkala, S., and Kinnula, M.(2023) Anticipating the futures of the gender dimension in research: Storying entangled practices and bodies, in Holmlid, S., Rodrigues, V., Westin, C., Krogh, P. G., Mäkelä, M., Svanaes, D., Wikberg-Nilsson, Å (eds.), Nordes 2023: This Space Intentionally Left Blank, 12-14 June, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden. 




Huuki, T. & Kyrölä, K. (2022). ‘Show yourself’: Indigenous ethics, Sámi cosmologies and decolonial queer pedagogies of Frozen 2, Gender and Education, 35(1), 


Pihkala, S. & Karasti, H. (2022). Towards Response-able PD: Putting Feminist New Materialisms to Work in the Practices of Participatory Design. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022 - Volume 1 (PDC '22). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 98–108. 


Pihkala, S.; Puutio E.; Louhela, H. & Huuki, T. (2022) Taidelähtöinen tutkimusaktivismi seksuaalisen häirinnän käsittelemiseksi varhaisnuorten kanssa. Teoksessa Elonheimo A.M., Laukkanen, A., Ojala, H., Miettinen, S. & Saresma, T. (toim.) Intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka (s. 239-249). Vastapaino. 


Puutio, E.; Huuki, T. & Pihkala, S. (2022). Mundane matters: Mapping the becomings of heterosexual girlhood in the emerging sexual cultures of elementary school children. Sexualities. Pre-print. 


Ylitapio-Mäntylä, O. & Huuki, T. (2022). Varhaisvuosien osallistava sukupuoli- ja seksuaalisuuskasvatus. Teoksessa Elonheimo A.M., Laukkanen, A., Ojala, H., Miettinen, S. & Saresma, T. (toim.)  Intersektionaalinen feministinen pedagogiikka (s. 185-195). Vastapaino.  





Huuki, T.; Kyrölä, K. & Pihkala, S. (2021) What Else Can a Crush Become: Working with Arts-Methods to Address Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Romantic Relationship Cultures. Gender and Education. 


Huuki, T. (2021) Taidelähtöiset menetelmät ja poikatutkimuksen herkkätuntoiset aihepiirit. Teoksessa Maskuliinisuuksien metodologiaa. Nieminen, J., Aho, T. & Salo, A. Vastapaino, 161–186. 


Puutio, E.; Huuki, T.; Pihkala, S. & Lehmusniemi, A. (2021) Taidelähtöiset menetelmät ja queerit tyttökietoumat alakouluikäisten suhdekulttuureissa. Nuorisotutkimus 38(3)


Uusikylä, A., Haapakangas, S. & Huuki, T (2021) Kortteja, kyyneleitä ja näpräämistä – Oppilaan osallisuudelle avautuvia ja sulkeutuvia tiloja alakoulun kehityskeskustelussa. Kasvatus & Aika 4–21. [Cards, tears and fiddling – Opening and closing spaces for pupil’s engagement at primary school development discussion. [Education and Time].   




Heikkinen, M., Pihkala, S., Pääsky, L., Harmoinen, S. (2020). Intersectional gender-responsibility in STEM: co-creating sustainable arctic knowledge production. Arctic yearbook 2020, 175-188.  


Puutio, E.; Tumanyan, M.; Louhela, H.; Pihkala, S. & Huuki T. (2020) Taidelähtöiset menetelmät ja tutkimusaktivismi seksuaalisen häirinnän käsittelemiseksi alakouluikäisten vertaissuhteissa. Sukupuolentutkimuslehti, 04/2020.


Renold, EJ, Edwards, V. & Huuki T. (2020) Becoming Eventful: Making the ‘More-than’ of a Youth Activist Conference Matter, in A. Harris and S. Holman Jones (eds) special issue: ‘A capacity to be moved: performance and its affects’. Research in Drama and Education: Journal of applied theatre and performance 25(3), 441–464. 


Tumanyan, M., & Huuki, T. (2020) Arts in working with youth on sensitive topics: A qualitative systematic review. International Journal of education through art, 16(3), 381-397.




Huuki, T. (2019) Collaging the Virtual: Exploring Gender Materialisations in the Artwork of Pre-Teen Children. Childhood, 26 (4), 430-447. 


Huuki, T. (2019) Friendship and Peer Cultures in Childhood (Finland). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury. 


Huuki, T., & Kurkikangas, A. (2019) Sexuality and Sexualization in Childhood (Finland). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury. 


Pihkala, S., & Huuki, T. (2019) How A Hashtag Matters – Crafting Response(-Abilities) through Research-Activism on Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Peer Cultures. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 10(2-3), 242-258.  


Pihkala, S.; Huuki, T. & Sunnari, V. (2019) Moving with Touch: Entanglements of a Child, Valentine’s Day Cards and Research-Activism against Sexual Harassment in Pre-Teen Peer Cultures. Article in the Special Issue Feminist new materialisms: Activating ethico-politics through genealogies in social sciences) Social sciences 8, 226. 




Huuki, T. (2018) Pojat ja (väki)valta kolmen metodologisen kehyksen näkökulmasta. Teoksessa Kivijärvi, A. Huuki, T., & Lunabba, H. (toim.) Poikatutkimus. Vastapaino & Nuorisotutkimusseura/ Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, julkaisuja 205, 175–196.



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