Senior research fellow, Assoc. Prof. /docent,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I am a senior research fellow at the University of Oulu, Faculty of Education and Psychology, and associate professor of the University of Turku. Combining new materialist theories, gender studies, educational sciences, the arts and Sámi studies, my research investigates the political, ethical and methodological affordances of co-productive, arts-based methods and activism in exploring and addressing the unequal power relations of children and young people—and in generating possibilities for sustainable change in those cultures. Moreover, my research examines the cross-generational transmission of trauma among the Sámi as a consequence of settler colonialism. I lead the Academy of Finland research project Mapping Making and Mattering: Arts and research-activism for addressing sexual harassment in pre-teen peer cultures (2019-23), and the University of Oulu flagship project Intervening in Sexual Harassment in Primary School: How Arts and Research Activism Matter (2022 –2025). I also lead the research collective FIRE – Fostering Intra-activist Response-able Research for Education, revolving around the aforementioned theme areas.
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Dr., Postdoctoral researcher,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I work as a post-doctoral researcher in gender studies at the University of Oulu, for which I also defended my doctorate in 2018. My research is currently focused on how sensitive issues such as harassment can be researched, addressed, and communicated to decision-makers and the wider public with children and young people in a safe and ethically sustainable manner. At the same time, my interest is also a little boarder. When we do research, we often get to hear and address issues that really matter to the participants and communities in the research. That is why how we research and what we do with research is incredibly important. In my work, I am fundamentally interested in how we understand the ethics and ethical sustainability of research, and in exploring methods that might help us strengthen them in our research practices.
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Doctoral researcher,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
Olen koulutukseltani kasvatustieteen maisteri ja työskennellyt luokanopettajana yli 20 vuotta. Viime vuodet olen työskennellyt vuoroin luokassa ja vuoroin Oulun yliopistossa sukupuolentutkimuksen ryhmässä tohtoritutkijana. Väitöstutkimuksessani havainnoin osallisuutta alakoulun arjessa. Tarkastelen, miten Peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman keskiössä oleviin osallisuuden tavoitteisiin ja kouluterveyskyselyissä todettuihin osallisuuden haasteisiin voidaan vastata koulussa. Hyödynnän tutkimuksessani posthumanistista ja uusmaterialistista lähestymistapaa sekä affekti- käsitettä, joka tekee näkyväksi usein huomiotta jäävää kehollista tietoa. Lähestyn osallisuutta affektiivisesta näkökulmasta moninaisissa suhteissa kehkeytyvinä tiloina ja tilanteina, joissa osallisuuden eli kuulumisen ja vaikuttamisen kokemukset tuottuvat. Esimerkiksi esineillä, paikoilla ja tottumuksilla sekä ilmapiirillä, ryhmädynamiikalla, kehotunnuilla, liikkeillä, katseilla ja sävyillä on merkitystä osallisuuden kannalta. Tavoitteenani on tunnistaa osallisuuden moninaisuutta ja sitä, mitkä tekijät edistävät tai rajaavat oppilaiden osallisuutta alakoulussa. Kehitän tutkimusperustaisia käytänteitä, joiden avulla oppilaiden kokemuksia ja mahdollisuuksia tehdään näkyviksi ja luodaan osallisuutta vahvistavaa toimintakulttuuria kouluun.

Doctoral researcher,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I have a Master’s degree in Education and I am a class teacher currently working in the University of Oulu Gender studies research group as a doctoral researcher. In my dissertation I use arts-based methods to explore the ways in which elementary school girls become attached to and detached from children's romantic and sexual peer cultures. Furthermore, I am interested in how the normative gendered relationship cultures of primary school children can be skewed or acted upon. In my research, I utilize feminist, new materialist approaches to examine children’s relationship cultures and the gendered power relations associated with them, considering how these phenomena evolve in the interplays of various temporal, local, and material factors such as everyday objects and the school environment. My research aims to increase understanding of the relationship cultures of primary school children and to help those working with children to identify and address the potential for change associated with them.
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Doctoral researcher,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I have a master's degree in social sciences, majoring sociology. I am currently working at the University of Oulu Gender studies research group as a doctoral researcher. As a part of the research collective, I have e.g. built creative workshop spaces and curated exhibitions of children's artwork. In my doctoral research, I explore the intertwinings and possibilities of art-based methods and activism in supporting equal peer relations for children and young people. I examine art research and relationship cultures from a feminist neo-materialist perspective.

Doctoral researcher,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I have a master's degree in education, and I´m also early childhood education teacher, visual artist, environmental educator and environmental operative. I work at the University of Oulu's Faculty of Education and Psychology in the gender studies research group as a doctoral researcher. In my research, I am interested in how art based methods and art based research activism (artivism) can promote, support and develop teachers' pedagogical skills and the school community, and how these can be used to communicate more broadly in society. My research focuses on the development of creative transformative and equality-oriented relationship education from the perspective of teachers. In my research, I use neomaterialist feminist research, diffractive methodology and art orientation. I am also interested in the possibilities of posthumanism and eco-social education to renew our way of thinking, e.g. regarding education and educational policy decisions.

Media producer,
Kulttuurivoimala - Culture Power Station

Senior researcher, docent, PhD,
University of Oulu,
Faculty of Education and Psychology,Gender Studies
I have a title of docent in Sociology of Education, and I work in Faculty of Education and Psychology in the University of Oulu. I am part of research collective FIRE, and I work in research project ”Mapping, Making & Mattering: Arts and research-activism for addressing sexual harassment in pre-teen peer cultures”. My research focus is sexuality and gender diversity in comprehensive school. I have researched gender and sexuality in education and work environment from 1990s onwards. I work also in the University of Helsinki (Gender Studies).
See also
Research potral, Orcid